So, I knew that the second trimester was better than the first, of course experiencing it three previous times, but this time for some reason it has been that much sweeter! I can actually go a whole day without taking a nap and not feelin exhauted by the end of the day! My house is clean, I'm starting to exercise again, and life is good!
Oh, have any other prego moms had any crazy cravings? Mine has been grapefruit (I can't get enough!), Montreal smoked meat sandwiches (Kevin was able to track on down for me one day - I know, he's sweet) and cream of mushroom soup. Kind of random!
Kevin got back from India 2 weeks ago, and though we haven't seen him a ton (he's had to be on-call a lot), it's been so nice to have him home! He has some awesome pictures that he took on his Facebook page - I don't have his camera and so can't download them onto this computer. He did spoil us all a ton, and we all have new outfits! Here is a picture of the dresses and little Indian outfit that Kevin brouht back for the kiddos. Aren't they so cute?
I did Monica's hair in rags the night before, for the first time, and they turned out pretty cute! I think Ethan looks like a little prince (although it took a bit of convincing and a little crying before he would wear the outfit!)! They were all so happy to have their daddy home. This is one of their favourite things (dad included!)...